EPW Closes Doors
I've removed them from the menu bar in this blog. If you don't already know by now, ASM is practically gone, and EPW has made the decision to make refunds and start from scratch, zeroing out all account.
Yup, you read that right, it went from never expiring to zeroing out accounts and reopening again. Shades of 4daily.com? You bet! I've had a good run here, but if you think I'm going back in and risk my money again, you gotta be kidding. There are times when I'm not the brightest being around, but there's absolutely no way I'm going to be THAT stupid.
However this is not a post bashing EPW, and the team behind them, although I would definitely love to rip them a new one. I think ASM dealt them a huge blow here. It's become apparent their size probably drew some unwanted attention, and probably fell under the same kind of trouble that has plagued the other pay processors. But without any concrete evidence, this is all speculation.
In any case, it's time to say a farewell to EPW. I had fund (pun fully intended) here and thanks for the good times.
I've also removed this from the menu bar. I've completely forgotten about them. Gotta thank LHM for emailing me and reminding me that the program is no longer a paid to surf exchange anymore.
There has also been little or no news regarding refunds here. I'm still waiting but not keeping my hopes high.
The doors are finally closed to new members for the pooled funds. I certainly hope the last min mad rush here isn't too overwhelming for Paul to handle.
With all that's happened recently with MPDW, I'm looking forward to opening a managed account. Yes, it's probably going to cost alot (especially withdrawing my money), but I want the security of having to control the money from my side. I'm not saying Paul and Kenneth are dodgy, just want to eliminate any unforeseen reasons/excuses to jeopardise my money here.
Autosurf Industry
Seems like the industry is probably in the doldrums at the moment. Nothing seems sacred anymore and reputations are well, pretty much non-existent. I've personally gone from over 40 autosurfs down to a miserable one. That's also due to the fact I've moved alot of my money into other programs cum investments.
I know that there are alot of new sites coming up, and some even look pretty darn good like PheonixSurf, WiredSurf and CompactSurf. The vogue now is going towards these short term surf sites, which may be good for the short term gamblers. I'm, however, keeping my distance for now. The industry is too volatile right now, and the future looks bleak to me (not even sure if there will be a future). I'm taking a back seat and taking a passenger's perspective until I find the direction I want to go.