Friday, May 19, 2006

Traffic Exchanges - BlackBox Approach

Most, if not all, autosurfs which promote a fixed percentage income are unsustainable in the long run. Few are able to provide genuine transparency on how and what they do with your money. Most are ponzis and rely on new money or growth to sustain the payouts.

The trend now is for autosurfs to give a high percentage and a shorter expiry date on upgrades, thus making it faster for one to regain your capital. This also accelerates the demise of the program. In general most, of these high paying programs are unble to sustain longer than 3-4 months. Of course 12DailyPro was the rare exceptions.

I've mentioned in this blog over and over again that these programs are gambles, at best money games that people play. Hence it is often parroted in the online community that one should only gamble whatever you can afford to lose. Some play it sucessfully, most don't.

As for doing DD, I only save it for those programs which are willing to show transparency and genuinely able to provide real proof of trading. However even in such cases, scams are rampant and false information is often provided by these online charlatans to fool even the most experienced people in the industry.

The BlackBox Approach
I personally use what I term as the blackbox approach when I 'invest' or gamble online. That means I 'invest' in a program and wait for my returns. I'm not interested to know what happens to the money invested and only interested in what I take out. In essence, this is how it works:

Money invested ------> BlackBox ------> Profits

DD is unnecessary, since most of these programs do not stand the test of time. By the time you do a conclusive DD, you'd know that either the program has already fallen by the wayside or you've convinced yourself not to play.

To make things simple, you base it on your intuition and risk analysis. Timing the market will enable you to profit. And that is if you're lucky enough to meet an administrator who doesn't have the intention to run away with the money in the first place.


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