Friday, June 30, 2006


I'll not bore you with another write up here. Just a link for your own reading on what I've written about the program in Febuary.

I'm reintroducing this program once again. Firstly, as a form of support to Laura Tylor, the administrator. And secondly, because I do believe with her level of determination and persistence, she will make this work. And last, but no least, after 6 months, I think her integrity should not even be in question. She has done what alot of other administrators have failed to do, and that is the ability to bounce back from setback, time and time again. What does not destroy her, only makes her stronger.

Screenshots of Payment

Jan 06
Mar 06
June 06

Here are the new statistics of the program:

No signup bonus
10% daily
$5 per upgrade
Upgrades last 13 days
20 sites to earn 10%
5% referral commission
Minimum payout $12
*Payout upon expiry (within 7 business days)
3% withdrawal fee
Maximum upgrade $1000

*On top of the above mentioned, in order to to receive payment, members will need to have a membership level of at least 25% of their cashout balance.

If interested, please use the links below.

No referral link
My link

LilacUnicorn Revival and Dropping Nowdollar


I have to say Laura seems to surprise me time and time again. There was a certain point in mid May when I thought she wouldn't pull this site thru. Not only has she done that, she's even made enough to revamp the script and redesign the site.

And these are not the only changes. Everything's changed here, including ROI and payout conditions.

Of course the best part of it all......I just got paid!

I've just reintroduced LUAS on my blog. She's simply amazing, and deserves all the support she's getting.


I'm withdrawing everything here and removing it from my blog. The reason is simple. I don't like the changes they are implimenting. Actually I don't like one of the changes, but that's enough reason for me to leave.

Here's the annoucement of that particular change in their forum:
However we will stop paying out to Egold after the Tuesday July 18th cashouts. This should give everyone that wants to continue with us a chance to get a Virtual Money card.

Starting July 19th we will accept upgrades with Egold but will not cash out to Egold. Any egold received we will simply convert over to Virtual Money.

Why are we doing this?....We are tired of the scammers and hackers we are having to deal with day in and day out associated with Egold. The fraud and problems that go on behind the scenes are more than you know. We are determined to keep your money safe and the site secure. Egold seems either unwilling or powerless to help us or some of the other legitimate surf sites with this problem. They are simply leaving us with no choice.
When you combine that with fluctuation in gold prices....well it is too risky a game to play with your money.

We hope you all understand why for the good of the program we must somewhat distance ourselves from Egold.

We are allowing enought time for everyone to get a VM card before we stop paying out to Egold. You can order a VM card right from the front of our website.


I'm not a firm supporter of VM. Or more accurately, I'm a firm support of e-gold despite it's frailties. VM does nothing for me except for incurring more fees. Anyway I'd just leave it at this, before the morbid Nowdollar crowd comes baying for my blood.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Inviss (Manual Surf)

I have a good feeling on this one. The administrator is active on MMG. Wait...haven't all the administrators who frequent MMG have turned out to be dodgy lately? Truth be told, most of them have, and judging from the frequency everyone at MMG is becoming a surf administrator seems to suggest the trend continuing.

So what sets Inviss different from the rest of the scums? Quite frankly none of the 'facts' seem to suggest it would be any different. Call it intuition, if you may, but I have a good feeling that this one should last at least 4-5 months. Part of the reason is cause the daily percentage is low. In a sea of high percentage sites, it's refreshing to have someone open one which pays a relatively low percentage of 2-2.5% daily.

The other reason is the amount of time put into the script used here. While not perfect, the highly customised script suggests we're dealing with someone who is serious about running a surf program. Another thing I really like about it is the lack of advertising and monitors. Seems to suggest that the admin here doesn't really care bout new spends, which could in turn imply that it might not be a ponzi.

And what's really great bout the program is that it gives you $5 to start off. It's been a long time since any surf program is giving away free money to try it out. Even if you don't put any money in it, you can withdraw it. So besides time, there's really nothing to lose.

And if you upgrade and are unhappy, there's a 100% refund policy within 7 days of upgrading. So far, I haven't heard of anyone being unhappy to that extent yet.

Screenshots of Payment

June 06

Here's the stats

$5 signup bonus
2-2.5% daily
$10 per advertising package
Upgrades last 180 days
15 sites to earn 2-2.5%
5% referral commission (only for upgraded members)
Minimum payout $5
5 payout requests per month
No withdrawal fees
Maximum upgrade $5000

If you're interested, please use the link below.

No referral link
My link

Thursday, June 22, 2006

'Hit and Run' vs Test Spends

It's been sometime since I made any entries here. I've been rather busy with the World Cup during this period, trying to stay up till the wee hours of the day catching the games. Anyway I thought it would be interesting to share my thoughts on this, before I completely forget about it....again.

This has been a debate that's been raging in my mind for quite sometime, about which strategy to adopt when I want to make a spend in an autosurf. For anyone unsure what 'run and hit' and 'test spends' mean, I'd give a brief definition of both.

Hit and Run - Entering a program with a big sum and then pulling out after the first (or second) cycle.

Test Spend - As the name suggests, putting in a small sum and waiting for payment before committing a large sum.

Both methods have sound reasoning and merits behind them. Personally I prefer to use test spends on programs which perceivably have a longer shelf life. These are usually programs which pay a lower percentage and takes a longer time to recover your initial spend.

However since the demise of StormPay, the trend for autosurfs is to give a higher percentage and a shorter cycle period. Not to mention the number of sites mimicking the 12daily model which had proven itself so successful.

Since the turn of the year, I've been using the H&R method to devastating effect. I've been putting in anything from $100 to a princely sum of 4 digits and pulling out after the first cycle in most times. Of course there are a number of programs which deserve second helpings, but those are usually rare, and I try not to get (too) greedy. The other thing to note here is that I don't jump into any and every program using this method. I only do it when a program meets certain some criterias.

However since the end of May, this strategy seems to have lost it's effectiveness (at least for me). It seems the scammers have gotten, either smarter or the industry players have finally caught up. Of the last 3 H&R programs I've been involved in, I only managed to get my initial back in one of them (by the skin of my teeth), while suffering a total and complete loss in the other 2.

Perhaps I've been spending too much time on the World Cup, and not enough time on my 'homework'. Of course it's a convenient excuse to place the blame somewhere, but the bottomline is that I think the industry looks to be changing yet again. Unfortunately, I have no idea which direction or what the changes are. Only time will tell, what the future holds.

Note : The surf programs that I introduce here are those that I genuinely believe will last at least a few cycles. As and when I feel it no longer meets my criteria, I would remove them. I do not and will not introduce my H&R programs just to earn a few dollars. As mentioned in this blog numerous times, the money I make from a program is good enough, and referral commissions are just a bonus.

Friday, June 16, 2006

NowDollar (manual surf)

Well, you can't keep a good dog down. I just had to get back into autosurfing, or in this case, a manual surf. As you probably should know by now that every one is promoting this program in some form or other, and they jolly well have a good reason to do so.

1. It's been running for over 3 months.
2. Recovered recently from a huge DDoS attack.
3. Recently forked out $5000 on Prolexic Anti DDoS. Check the whois details.
4. Lance appeared on AutoSurf Authority Monitor's newscast. Check in their news achives. Still have nothing good to say about monitors.

Personally this program looks good for a punt. Judging from the frenzy it's causing right now, chances are it should last a few cycles, enough time to take a profit from.

Here are the statistics of the site:

No signup bonus
9% daily
$10 per advertising package
Upgrades last 15 days
12 sites to earn 9%
5% referral commission
Minimum payout $35
1 payout request per week (paying on Tuesdays and Fridays)
4% fee on deposit
No withdrawal fees
Maximum upgrade $7000

If interested, please use the links below.

No referral link
My link

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Lunar Surfing goes Loony

There have been changes at Lunar Surfing in the past week that seem to contradict one another.

Firstly, they reduced the payout minimum to $10 from $15. This was a good move since people with one unit would probably have never been able to withdraw their $12.6 at the end of one cycle. It was a move that made sense.

Then they went to spoil it all by reducing upgrade units to $5 per upgrade instead of the usual $10. Now we're back to square one. If someone upgrades one unit, chances are they would now not be able to withdraw their $6.3 after a full cycle. I'm sure after the administrator realise this, there's going to be changes to the minimum payout yet again.

I'm ok if changes are made to improve the program. But this is getting to a stage where it's getting a little bit anal. I'm seeing changes for the sake of changing, either to drum up interest or to create news. Changes are made without really putting thought into it.

It doesn't help that there is silly public bickering going on that's not doing the publicity of the program any good. While the program probably has some good potential to grow, there's too much going on for me to have any good vibes over it.

So I've removed them from my autosurf list, hence the cupboard is now bare. There doesn't seem to be any program worth recommending at the moment. Most of the programs I'm in are either too new, or I'm too uncomfortable to introduce. In short, none meet my criteria of a good program yet. The other factor is that I'm too pre-occupied with the World Cup to really look at the programs indept.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Gold Losing it's Glitter?

Noticed that gold took a pounding and fell from over $600 to bout $560 in just one day. It's been falling steadily for the past week.

Well, what does this mean? Quite frankly, in the larger scheme of things, I don't know. But what I do know is that gold prices would affect the money held in e-gold. Since the fall in the past few weeks, many hyips and autosurfs would possibly go belly up in the next few days. Already in the past couple of days, certain big ones have already been knocked out.

If you already have money in the major hyips and autosurfs, chances are there's nothing really you can do about it. If the program is going to fall, it will. However if you're thinking of 'investing', my advice is not to do so at this point in time. Keep your money with you. Let the dust settle and see who or what is left standing.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Back to the Drawing Board

So much for coming back from a Phuket trip rejuvenated. I've just been hit by a double whammy, just when I thought I had the game figured out and would be making sweet money from gambling on autosurfs programs.

Ramesh just announced that the program will close indefinitely and I've just received a full refund. Made a slight loss in terms of the fees to e-gold with all the payouts. Unfortunately, since he's made a final decision, or at least an annoucement, there is no turning back from it. At least there would be full refunds for everyone who played the game here.

Sadly this program had alot of potential and would possibly rival some of the big boys out there, given the kind of support it has garnered and the good reputation earned. Of course at some point in time, it would have shut down for being the ponzi that it is.

The reasons given for the closure was to spend more time with the family and the so called attacks on his integrity (read here). While I do not deny that he has put in his heart and soul to the venture, however using this reason sounds to me like an excuse. For someone with a wealth of experience in this industry, he would and should have anticipated difficult questions coming at him. The moment he opened up a surf program, he opened himself up to to public scrutiny. Throwing in the towel instead of standing firm only goes to show that he had something to hide and took the moral high ground of giving full refunds. Of course I'm sure most would be taken in by his actions, while he continues life being a referral whore once again.

Personally he has lost all credibility.

Other Autosurfs
I've also been hit by a couple of gambles that went awry due to my trip. I thought I had it all figured out and started making gambles. The losses have not been significant, but it sure has dented my confidence greatly. Looks like I need to take some time off to reassess my philosophy. So far Lunar Surfing is possibly the only one which I am taking a serious pot shot at right now. I've already started pulling out my money from the other surf programs and moving them to other less risky, non-ponzi investments.

Looks like for the next month or so, the only gambling I'm going to do is with World Cup betting. Wish me luck.

Lunar Surfing

Lunar Surfing is run by a couple of pretty known forumers in MMG. Unfortunately I do not know any of them personally nor have had any dealings with any of them. Given the way this one's been run for the first week or so, my gut feeling is that this program should be around for at least a couple of months before it goes belly up like all autosurfs.

Without further ado, here are the statistics of the site:

No signup bonus
9% daily
$5 upgrade
Upgrades last 14 days
14 sites to earn 9%
5% referral commission
Minimum payout $10
Payout requests are open on Fridays
No withdrawal fees
Maximum upgrade $5000

If interested, please use the links below.

No referral link
My link

Friday, June 09, 2006

The Next Wave?

I've been gone for a few days and it seems to be that the autosurf industry might be in for a mini revival since StormPay ran through it. From what I've seen/read in the past couple of weeks, there seem to more and more autosurfs springing up, run by credible forumers in the industry. However one must still take it with a generous pinch of salt when using 'credible' and 'forumers'.

What's particular to me is that most of these programs seem to have started off with the right foot forward. Dedicated servers, precise payout plans, active administrator team and a steady stream of supporters. After a week of observing some of them, some actually do seem to know what they are doing, in terms of running the show as well as planning for growth. I've personally joined some of them and am waiting for a payout before I make a recommendation.

But we all know that such programs are ponzis. If you catch the wave at the right time, you'd be able to ride it. If you catch it at the wrong time, chances are you'd sink.

A couple of other updates

What a mess. I've pretty much refrained myself from commenting on this too much, but what a fucking mess. The emails I get from Kent seem to border on insanity. Poor chap seems to have completely lost it. The excuses get weirder and weirder, the emails get more and more clueless. I wish he would just completely stop communicating and leave the rest of us who are sane alone before he infects us with his disillusions.

As expected, the official launch was delayed. To be honest, if it had launched on time, it wouldn't have made much of an impact. If Christian is reading this, refunds come first. Why would anyone dabble with the new site if the company is still holding on the their money? I hope this is one common sense equation Christian works out before damaging the program (or his reputation) any further.

Seems like they have switched brokers. Not much news here ever since their forum became read-only. Looks like my plans for a managed account will take a back seat. Need to monitor how their performance is with the new broker and need to know if the new broker offers managed accounts. Don't you just hate it when your plans get delayed?

Back from Phuket

I'm back from a short trip to Phuket. It was a well deserved trip. I hadn't realised how much it rejuvenated me. I've actually spent the last few days sifting through the mails when I was away and catching up on the readings in the forums. There are a few comments I would like to make regarding some programs, as well as observations in general with regards to the entire autosurf industry.

However before I do all that boring and tedious stuff, I would like to just make a few recommendations if anyone is interested in taking a trip down to Phuket.

My Phuket Trip
If you're going to Phuket, chances are you'd probably want to do some of the island hopping day tours. You'd also probably read up on Phuket from Lonely Planet or some travel related website. I know I usually do that before any trip, just to find out what are the 'can't miss' things to do. Unfortunately in this case, I found out that such guides and websites were totally useless. The prices quoted and the quality provided were possibly jacked way too high. Possibly because most of these were written by Caucasians, and the chances of Caucasians being ripped off is exponentially higher.

If you're going island hopping, I would suggest booking with the Siam SeaCanoe company. They hold a wide range of tours, offering different destinations. The service is pretty good. I didn't get a chance to visit the much talked about Phi Phi island since one of the guys I was travelling with had been there before. Instead we opted for some cave canoeing and a visit to James Bond Island. I'm sure we probably lucked out with the crew we got. The crew was young, dynamic and entertaining. From everything I've read and heard, no one really comments on how great their crew for the island hopping trip was. All I've read was how beautiful the islands were.

The crew we had was fantastic. The service was impeccable and we were kept entertained all the while. They performed dances and on the journey back to the jetty, the entire boat was literally rocking with both the guests and the crew dancing/singing on board. I'm sure it was quite a spectacle for the guests on the other ferries that were coming into the docks together with us. All I know was that I was basking in the sweet gazes of envy in their eyes. When we finally docked, I know many of the guests and myself included, went to every one of the crew and shook their hands, thanking them for a wonderful time. It was really quite emotional, like parting with a group of old friends.

Unfortunately, getting the same crew is pretty much a touch and go thing. The name of the guy in charge of the crew is called Tommy aka Son of James Bond. Chances of getting this crazy bunch is possibly unlikely, but if you do happen to chance upon this crew, let them know that the group of guys from Singapore say hello.

As for booking the tours, I would suggest actually walking along the streets of Patong. There are plenty of dingy travel agents plying their wares. Don't be afraid to book your tours there. The prices are cheap and you can bargain. My tour costs 1200baht. If I had booked it online before even setting foot to Phuket, it would have cost up to 4000baht. Even the hotel endorsed tour agent quoted 2500baht for the exact same tour package.

The other thing I think you'd probably need to know is how cheap the seafood there is. Again if you visit the websites, most would recommend Patong Seafood Restaurant. The quality is pretty good, however the prices are well......pretty extreme for local standards. If you have time to do a bit of exploring, there is a stretch of open aired seafood restaurants along the road where FantaSea (famous theatre for tranvestite shows) is. The prices here can be up to a third of that in Patong Seafood Restaurant or any of the other established places, depending on what you order and how you bargain. Having sampled the food at both places, I personally couldn't tell the difference in quality, neither could anyone in our group. The food was equally fresh and a world cheaper.

That's bout all I feel one should know from my experience. Everything else is probably echoed in other websites, guides and forums. If you're planning to make a trip down to Phuket, have plenty of fun in the sun. I know I had a whale of a time. Just wished I had spent more days there to explore. Probably just as well that I didn't. Gives me the perfect excuse to visit the place again.