Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Gold Losing it's Glitter?

Noticed that gold took a pounding and fell from over $600 to bout $560 in just one day. It's been falling steadily for the past week.

Well, what does this mean? Quite frankly, in the larger scheme of things, I don't know. But what I do know is that gold prices would affect the money held in e-gold. Since the fall in the past few weeks, many hyips and autosurfs would possibly go belly up in the next few days. Already in the past couple of days, certain big ones have already been knocked out.

If you already have money in the major hyips and autosurfs, chances are there's nothing really you can do about it. If the program is going to fall, it will. However if you're thinking of 'investing', my advice is not to do so at this point in time. Keep your money with you. Let the dust settle and see who or what is left standing.


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