One very important aspect of making money online is information. You get whatever information you can to make, or try to make, an informed decision of where to spend your money. IMO, the best place to get information is the forums.
Forums can be your best friend or your worst enemy. It's probably the single most valuable source of information you can find on the net. A properly run forum can have loads of updates from the administrator of individual programs, proper discussions and plenty of good advice to heed. You can make like-minded friends who share DD information, good programs and the same philosophy in investing/gambling as you. You can also find good cash rebates on the commissions of the programs that you signup for.
However, be weary of who you listen to. Practically everyone who posts has a agenda, either blatantly whoring their referral links or signatures. Some just want you to invest in a program to ensure the longevity of it, meaning a chance for them to get paid. Others just want to build their reputations to lure in the unsuspecting. Sometimes the information provided by two sources maybe contradictory. You just need to sift out the good information from the misinformation. In short, everyone who posts has a vested interest.
Another thing you might need to take note of in a forum is that almost everyone who posts has an ego. More than often, egos get bruised, which leads to adults acting like children. My advice is to turn and walk away from it all. No point getting involved and looking childish. And if you must, state your opinion once and leave it as it is. The further you try to impose it, the less productive it becomes and it no longer becomes a discussion. Moreover we all know how anal opinions are anyway. So do not get sidetracked from your main mission of making money.
Here are some of the forums I visit, that I think maybe of value to you.
MoneyMakerGroupThis is probably one of the biggest forums for online moneymakers with over 25,000 registered members.
The unfortunate thing about this forum is the number of referral whores who reside here. The ability to stake claim to a referral link if you are the first to post a program springs a gold rush for members jumping over one another to be the first to introduce a program. This is why you don't see real programs like NSFG being offered here.
Due to the size of the forum, it's also a scammer's paradise to introduce their programs here. Offer attractive referral commissions, and you'd have a frenzy bunch promoting your program.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I post here...often. I like the community in the autosurf section, even though there are loads of referral whores. There is alot of positive energy, or cheerleading, that I feed off from, especially when things don't look too bright on the horizon. As and when I come across good programs, I usually introduce them here, the referral commissions gained are a good bonus.
More importantly, this is a very well kept and organised forum, despite it's size. Information is easy to find and the bulk of the members are friendly. As long as you know what you're looking for and where to look for it, this is a very good forum.
TalkGoldThis is another huge forum that has slightly over 30,000 members.
This forum is not for the faint hearted. Members here are brash and do not hold back what they feel. And because of that, the discussions here are lively and informative, although sometimes it does get out of hand. At least there is less of the ra-ra crowd here.
Personally I like the members here, but I don't like the forum itself. It has too many advertisements. I understand the need for advertisements to pay the bills, but some of the adverts are really a pain, especially the flashing ones. Overall, it's one of the best places to get unbiased information.
GetPaidForumPossibly the largest forum out there with over 60,000 members.
I don't know much bout this forum since I don't visit it much anymore. It's disorganised and the moderators seem over zealous in banning members. Can't say much for the members here either. It seems many here are still stuck in the age of the Paid-to-Read programs and haven't yet progressed to hyips or autosurfs yet. The few who have progressed on have gone on to other forums.
HYIPDiscussionSmall forum with over 2,000 active members.
This is one of the most informative forums around. The members are knowledgable and the discussions carried out here are probably the most indepth I've come across in any public forum. There is also relatively less referral whoring here.
The only gripe I have here is that the so-called veterans have their own special section to the forum. Smacks of elitism which personally turns me off. However that being said, I've got no backbone and still visit the forum
OnlineMoneyMakerThis forum is run by a fellow Singaporean. It's a really small community here, and there isn't much discussion here. The reason why I joined is that since MMG stopped allowing us to trade e-gold, this place becomes a good alternative for Singaporeans to trade. The prices are reasonable and competitive. Definitely better than the rates offered by the official e-gold exchangers out there.
AutoSurfCentralCafeAutoSurfTalkGPTBoycottGPTForumHYIPForumThe above are some of the other forums that I visit from time to time. As you can see, I visit alot of forums. I invest/gamble a fair bit in hyips and autosurfs and owe it to myself and my money to make the most out of it. Information is vital if I want to keep making money instead of losing it, hence I spend time looking and sifting through information to make the best decision possible. Of course I'm also human and sometimes I do let greed get in the way of better judgement. Fortunately it doesn't happen too often.
Well, if you made it this far, happy hunting for good infomation.