Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Updates and Payments

1. Updated the NSFG entry with some old information that was unfortunately omitted. This information is crucial if you want to enter the pooled funds.

2. Looks like Feb is actually going to be a great month for me, considering what's happened in the past month with autosurfs and stormpay. I'm waiting on a payout next week from an autosurf which should make it a brilliant month.

Payments this week:

MPDW - Registered a 3.15% gain. This was enough to allow a repurchase on my part for the coming week. Since I'm viewing this as a long term thing, I'd be taking alternate months to withdraw and repurchase.

NSFG - Despite a lousy month of trading, there was still a 5.11% gain for Feb. The trader has stopped trading to re-evaluate his trading methods, hence the results were released. There is also no fee on this month's profits. The team involved decided that their performance was not up to mark, hence refused to take a performance fee.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Updates and Payments

1. I've finally re-done up the EProfitSurf entry after it's merge with Auto-Surf.biz.

2. Also updated is the Getting Started section on pay processors. I've included Auto-surf-Money, and am shamelessly pimping it, hence all it's links have my referral code in them. Given reputations of the people running it, I think it might very well be the next big thing to take the autosurf industry by 'storm', pardon the pun.

Payments this week:

MPDW - They registered a 3.45% gain this week. If you're looking to withdraw, it would be prudent to do so this week, before the 25th. I'm looking for a repurchase when next week's gains come in.

EPS - I got paid over $300 to the new pay processor, ASM, and subsequently to e-gold.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Monitor Sites

I noticed alot of people actually using monitor sites and quite frankly, it baffles me. I personally never saw a need for monitor sites. To me these sites are the worst of the bunch and much worse than the scammers who they advertise. Not to mention they get off scott free when a scam occurs. They are meant for the lazy, which probably explains why they have a large following.

Let's see what a monitor site actually does. Some ask for payments from the site administrators to list their programs on the monitor, using the fee as an initial 'capital' for the site. At the same time they act as promotors splashing their referral links all over the page. So basically they earn money via fees, referral commission and the program itself. And sometimes a very lucrative side income of winning referral competitions. Of course this is just a generalisation, most are just very cleverly disguised referral whores. No wonder they are springing up faster than rabbits can breed. It's a lucrative and yet blame-free business. Hell, if I didn't have a conscience, I'd set up one myself!

The real question what everyone should be asking is what such sites do for you. As far as I know, they can't tell me when a site administrator will run away. Since they can't do that, then effectively they are useless to me. Other than lining up their own pockets, I fail to see what good these fellows are. If you really must visit a monitor site, use it as a reference. Do not let these scums earn your money.

If you're looking for information if a site is worth a gamble or not, forums are the best way to go. People are quick to whine if a program has problems. And quick to praise if it's paying. Of course there is a bit more work than monitor sites, but you're playing with your money. Isn't that worth a bit of extra work?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Getting Started - Part 4

One very important aspect of making money online is information. You get whatever information you can to make, or try to make, an informed decision of where to spend your money. IMO, the best place to get information is the forums.

Forums can be your best friend or your worst enemy. It's probably the single most valuable source of information you can find on the net. A properly run forum can have loads of updates from the administrator of individual programs, proper discussions and plenty of good advice to heed. You can make like-minded friends who share DD information, good programs and the same philosophy in investing/gambling as you. You can also find good cash rebates on the commissions of the programs that you signup for.

However, be weary of who you listen to. Practically everyone who posts has a agenda, either blatantly whoring their referral links or signatures. Some just want you to invest in a program to ensure the longevity of it, meaning a chance for them to get paid. Others just want to build their reputations to lure in the unsuspecting. Sometimes the information provided by two sources maybe contradictory. You just need to sift out the good information from the misinformation. In short, everyone who posts has a vested interest.

Another thing you might need to take note of in a forum is that almost everyone who posts has an ego. More than often, egos get bruised, which leads to adults acting like children. My advice is to turn and walk away from it all. No point getting involved and looking childish. And if you must, state your opinion once and leave it as it is. The further you try to impose it, the less productive it becomes and it no longer becomes a discussion. Moreover we all know how anal opinions are anyway. So do not get sidetracked from your main mission of making money.

Here are some of the forums I visit, that I think maybe of value to you.


This is probably one of the biggest forums for online moneymakers with over 25,000 registered members.

The unfortunate thing about this forum is the number of referral whores who reside here. The ability to stake claim to a referral link if you are the first to post a program springs a gold rush for members jumping over one another to be the first to introduce a program. This is why you don't see real programs like NSFG being offered here.

Due to the size of the forum, it's also a scammer's paradise to introduce their programs here. Offer attractive referral commissions, and you'd have a frenzy bunch promoting your program.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I post here...often. I like the community in the autosurf section, even though there are loads of referral whores. There is alot of positive energy, or cheerleading, that I feed off from, especially when things don't look too bright on the horizon. As and when I come across good programs, I usually introduce them here, the referral commissions gained are a good bonus.

More importantly, this is a very well kept and organised forum, despite it's size. Information is easy to find and the bulk of the members are friendly. As long as you know what you're looking for and where to look for it, this is a very good forum.


This is another huge forum that has slightly over 30,000 members.

This forum is not for the faint hearted. Members here are brash and do not hold back what they feel. And because of that, the discussions here are lively and informative, although sometimes it does get out of hand. At least there is less of the ra-ra crowd here.

Personally I like the members here, but I don't like the forum itself. It has too many advertisements. I understand the need for advertisements to pay the bills, but some of the adverts are really a pain, especially the flashing ones. Overall, it's one of the best places to get unbiased information.


Possibly the largest forum out there with over 60,000 members.

I don't know much bout this forum since I don't visit it much anymore. It's disorganised and the moderators seem over zealous in banning members. Can't say much for the members here either. It seems many here are still stuck in the age of the Paid-to-Read programs and haven't yet progressed to hyips or autosurfs yet. The few who have progressed on have gone on to other forums.


Small forum with over 2,000 active members.

This is one of the most informative forums around. The members are knowledgable and the discussions carried out here are probably the most indepth I've come across in any public forum. There is also relatively less referral whoring here.

The only gripe I have here is that the so-called veterans have their own special section to the forum. Smacks of elitism which personally turns me off. However that being said, I've got no backbone and still visit the forum


This forum is run by a fellow Singaporean. It's a really small community here, and there isn't much discussion here. The reason why I joined is that since MMG stopped allowing us to trade e-gold, this place becomes a good alternative for Singaporeans to trade. The prices are reasonable and competitive. Definitely better than the rates offered by the official e-gold exchangers out there.


The above are some of the other forums that I visit from time to time. As you can see, I visit alot of forums. I invest/gamble a fair bit in hyips and autosurfs and owe it to myself and my money to make the most out of it. Information is vital if I want to keep making money instead of losing it, hence I spend time looking and sifting through information to make the best decision possible. Of course I'm also human and sometimes I do let greed get in the way of better judgement. Fortunately it doesn't happen too often.

Well, if you made it this far, happy hunting for good infomation.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

GottaLottaHits Update

Looks like more updates again. This time from GottaLottaHits.

General Status & StormPay Payout: Thanks for your patience in receiving this much needed update.

StormPay: We have had a lot of questions as to how StormPay's actions affect us. This is an unfortunate incident indeed. We do have a strong theory as to what is going on with them but only time will tell if we are correct. In any case, we have discontinued our acceptance of StormPay for the seven reasons previously given. Although we have not been affected like some other autosurf's have, it has affected us nonetheless. Therefore, the question we have been forced to answer is; how will we financially recover from this. In answering this we must assume we will not receive reimbursement of StormPay funds. So, two aspects must be considered; (1) what is the quickest resolution, and (2) what is the most subtle resolution. Our answer is what is already found in our Terms section E. We have decided to slightly, and temporarily, reduce the daily percentage. So, January's earnings will be reduced to 1% instead of 1.25%. Also, the remainder of February will be at 1% and the referral commission will be reduced to 5%. This 'fix' is the most subtle change we could come up with. We will re-evaluate at the end of February, but this should bring us close to recovery.

StormPay Payout: If you upgraded with StormPay, we ask that you create a PayPal account to be paid to. (You can do this by clicking on the PayPal icon on our homepage. Also, you do not necessarily have to upgrade from PayPal in the future as egold is also an option.) Once this account is created (or if already had), please 'Edit Account Details' above with this info (make sure you enter your GLH password to confirm the change). THEN, email us with your GLH account # and PayPal email address (PayPal account id). Please email this to quickfix@gottalottahits.com. If you do not want to receive the payment to PayPal, there are two options; (1) you can receive a delayed payout to egold (about a week late), or leave the payout in your cash balance for when we start accepting EMO. In either case we do ask that you email us at quickfix@gottalottahits.com to let us know.

StormPay Charge-backs: We have had a few charge-backs to StormPay. Please know that this works against our program and members, is against our Terms, will cause your account to be suspended, and will cause you to be permanently banned from our site. We are trying very hard to move this program forward through this StormPay situation. When we receive a charge-back it uses up our time, energy, and undermines our recovery strategy for ALL StormPay, PayPal, and egold users alike.

StormPay Summary: Although we have nothing to do with the StormPay incident, or any of the programs directly affected by it, we do apologize to you, our members, for the subtle, and temporary, pay decrease you will receive. We never expected to actually need to temporarily reduce the daily earning percentage as stated in our Terms, but we do count on your support to help us get through this as quickly as possible. Furthermore, in the world of autosurf's and hyips, 1-1.25% may sound like a low amount, but in the REAL world 1-1.25% is a HUGE amount.

Other Payment Processors:
We have been repeatedly asked if we are going to accept other payment processors such as UniClear, AlertPay, GreenZap, Ebullion, etc. At this point in time all we are committed to say is that we are moving forward with EMO as our third processor. Because of the StormPay upset, our time and energy has been consumed and has thus slowed our EMO acceptance down. We are hesitant to give a timeframe with which to expect EMO, but March may be a realistic ballpark.

In Closing: We thank you for the overwhelming prayer and support we have received. We trust that you will understand our decision and judgment. As always, we do welcome your feedback... and payouts will begin later today.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A Couple of Updates

A couple of updates, some bad news, some not so bad news and hardly any good news.

1. Auto-Surf.biz will be merged with EProfitSurf. The new Eprofitsurf will be a 1% daily site with the upgrades not expiring. As mentioned, all payments will be done via Auto-Surf-Money.

All these changes will done by Friday, 10 of Feb. I'm personally amazed that they gave themselves such a short deadline to get everything done. If they pull this off, it would make the people at Paid Response and Paid Exposure look like monkeys behind a wheel. I doubt they can do it within such a short time, but I'm certainly rooting for them to do so!

As for using ASM, I'm not too keen on another StudioPay situation, but I understand the need for them to force their new pay processor on everyone in the program. Having a million stuck with StormPay is going to be a huge blow to recover from. I'm glad they haven't packed their bags and called it a day.

I'll be waiting patiently when the site(s) are back.

2. I'm removing LilacUnicorn temporarily from this blog. I'm afraid they have be adversely affected by the SP fiasco. While there have been guarantees of repayment of upgrades at a future date, the program is no longer able to function as intended. All upgrades and payments have ceased.

3. StudioTraffic seems to have finally unblocked both my accounts but I'm still unable to surf. Their annoucements don't seem to answer any of my problems with them, and I'm too lazy to wait for a response from Live Help Desk. So it seems this is the end of my ST journey. It was fun while it lasted, but I'm glad it's over and done with. The last couple of months have been eventful, to say the least, but ultimately fruitless.

4. Abit of good news during this somewhat depressing week.....I was paid by MPDW on a withdrawal I made last month.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Auto-Surf-Money (new pay processor)

Auto-Surf-Money (ASM) is run by Colette Larson and Dan Lund of Auto-surf.biz and EprofitSurf. It was originally planned for opening at a much later date, however due to the recent SP issues, ASM's opening was accelerated. I just signed up.

It's not fully functional yet, so I suggest not adding your personal particulars until it is. Sending money via ASM is free, but the fees for receiving are 2% + $0.25USD. As far as I know, it's open right now only for referral building.

All future upgrades and withdrawals from ASB and EPS will be made only via ASM. So if you're a member of either site, then the chances are, you'd need to sign up with ASM.

In the meantime, you may use my link to sign up.


Saturday, February 04, 2006

Lilac Unicorn AutoSurfing and AutosurfTalk

I have to admit I was initially skeptical when I joined this program in the beginning of Jan. And to be frank I still don't know much bout it's owner, Laura Tyler, except that I like what I see. Apparently she owns a brick and mortar store in Indianapolis.

I've been paid by the program recently and am still in testing mode. Response to queries has been sporadic at best, but that is understandable with all the recent issues at hand. What makes me confident enough to actually put the program on my blog is based on some actions done by Laura, which I think shows her character and honesty.


In the face of all the recent problems caused by SP, she created a forum, invited numerous administrators from different programs and formed Professional AutoSurf Association (PASA). The association is looking for input from experienced members in the autosurf industry, with the aim of preventing another disaster of such magnitude from hitting the autosurf industry. Also in the plans are a pay processor by the industry for the industry.

Whether the plans are feasible or not is another issue altogether. I applaud her standing out and trying to make a difference in an industry that is famous for its indifference. The name of the new forum is called AutoSurfTalk. I would encourage anyone currently in the autosurf industry to take a look, and give your input.

LilacUnicornAutoSurfing (LUAS)
As for the program, here are the statistics :

No signup bonus
Free members have 30 days to upgrade
7% daily
14% once a week
Upgrades last for 30 days
5% referral commission
20 sites to earn 7%
Payouts on 1st and 15th every month (not confirmed)
Compounding done manually

ScreenShots of Payment
Jan 06
Mar 06

For more information of payouts and compounding, please check with their forum for updates. The program is currently in abit of a fix due to SP issues and will be reducing the percentages until reserves have been built up. While I'm confident the program will survive, I would encourage everyone to take a cautious approach. Despite the fact I have plenty of new found respect for Laura recently, her money management abilities are still untested. I've personally put in a nice amount, taking a gamble based on what she's done, and a show of faith in her vision.

If you're interested, to signup, use the links below.

No referral
My link

Friday, February 03, 2006

Boycotting StormPain

This is getting ridiculous. I wanted to take a couple of days to calm down before putting my thoughts down on StormPay but things just seem to get worse and worse with no light at the end of the tunnel.

I just had word from EProfitSurf that SP has suspended their SP account. What makes this worse is that EPS has complied with their demand by making both ASB and EPS run solely on SP. Seems like freezing their money is the reward for compliance.

The sad matter of fact is that many autosurfs have large amounts of upgrades coming in via SP. While I don't like it, I can see why they have choosen Storm way over the highway. Unfortunately when you make a pact with the devil, you rarely every get away from it. Future upgrades would be via SP, meaning more money is going to stuck in SP.....it's a vicious cycle.

I've never been a fan of SP despite having a SP account. The only reason I ever used SP was for StormClix and a dabble in 12dailypro. To force autosurfs to use them exclusively smacks of arrogance and blackmail. And now to freeze accounts is simply tyrannical.

Anyway the damage to reputations all around (autosurfs and SP) has been done. It's going to be an interesting wait to see how things unfold from now.

FWIW, I'm boycotting StormPay. And for programs which chooses to use them exclusively, I would be surfing my way out of them and ceasing all promotions. That practically leaves my autosurf cupboard bare, with the sole exception of GLH. I'm currently in test mode with some programs which are not using StormPay. Hopefully I would be able to introduce them soon.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Latest (14/3/06): EPS is now known as EProfitWorks. It's now a traffic and advertising exchange. Despite the name change and some major changes to avoid SEC scrutiny, most of what's here hasn't been changed much.

Unfortunately no information can be devulged. So basically you're on your own here.


EProfitSurf (EPS) has gone thru a major overhaul and has merged with Auto-Surf.biz. This merge surprisingly took slightly over a week, although it is not complete by any means, the major functions of the site are working accordingly. Look for the remaining features to be implemented, errors rectified and customer service return to it's usual standard.

Currently to upgrade EPS you need to have and Auto-Surf-Money account. At present, all transactions, upgrades and withdrawal, will be done via ASM. If you do not have an ASM account, there is a link for in on the right hand menu bar on pay processors. You should find one for ASM there.

EPS is run by Colette Larson and Dan Lund, both trusted members on the internet community. After the StormPay debacle, they had over $1.2 million stuck in limbo. Instead of lying down and playing dead like most autosurfs in the industry, they returned with a solution that would be fair to everyone involed. They also sped up the introduction of their own pay processor, ASM.

As for my previous experience with this admin team, it was not a smooth ride initially, but I gradually grew to understand their way of running things, and gradually grew to like the site. Customer service here is top notch, tickets have always been promptly answered. What particularly endears me to this program is that the pair has always been able to do what's best for the community and not what's popular. This shows true character and more importantly, leadership and unweaving confidence in their own ability. This rubs off in my confidence for the program.

Personally I've $1000 in this program and already in profits. Currently just compounding and withdrawing every alternate week.

Here are the statistics of the site :

No signup bonus
Free members have 7 days to upgrade
1% daily
Upgrades do not expire
5% referral commission
50 sites to earn 1%
Payouts on every Saturday for earnings made the previous Saturday
Payouts and upgrades are done only via Auto-Surf-Money
Compounding available every Friday

If you're interested to sign up, use the links below.

No referral
My link

Link for Auto-Surf Money, click the banner.


Update: Site is no longer a paid-to-surf autosurf. I don't think anyone came out of this with profits.

As far as autosurfs go, GottaLottaHits (GLH) has just jumped up to the top of my list. The owner Christian Pope (yes, that's his real name) owns sanctification.us/triunity.org, which has been online since 2002.

The site accepts e-gold, paypal, and in the near future EMO. StormPay has been dropped. Christian is one of the few owners that has the balls to drop StormPay, and I respect him immersely for that decision.

However, what makes GLH stand out is Christian's ability to keep he's members happy. He seems to understand how to make an autosurf work, and keep members updated. He is proactive, rather than reactive, which is rarely seen in the autosurf industry. Most owners tend to react when problems occur instead of nipping the problem before it occurs.

Since I joined in Oct 05, the server has hardly had any downtime. Emails to him are always replied in a prompt and polite manner. Updates are frequently found in the backoffice, and members are always kept informed of any pending changes. You can tell that plenty of effort has been put into the site and program, and not one of those fly by night programs.

It's also the program where I'm comfortable to have a 4 digit 'investment' in.

Here are the statistics of the site :

$10 signup bonus
1.25% daily
Upgrades last 180 days
10% referral commission
25 sites to earn 1.25%
Payouts on 11-15th for previous month's earnings
Compounding available on the last day of the month

Screenshots of payment
Dec 05
Jan 06
Feb 06

If you're interested to join the program, click the banner to sign up under me, or the text to sign up without an upline.

No referral

NSFG update

The pooled fund would be closing to new members on the 25th of March 06 and no new signups will be allowed in the pooled funds. So if you are interested in this fund, there is still time to do so. Managed funds will continue to be opened as long as they trade, or annouce otherwise.

Returns for the month of Jan is
21.08% (Net)/15.81% (Gross)

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Market Professionals Deliver Weekly (MPDW)

Update (16/03/06): Quite a few important changes have been made to the system with immediate effect.

1. All funds have a 6 month holding period before it can be sold back. Maturity period can be checked via the backoffice.

2. Minimum entry is now 20 units.

3. No more emergency sell back.

4. Minimum withdrawal of returns is lowered to 3 units.


Market Professionals Deliver Weekly, or MPDW, is another pretty much trusted (by me) online fund. It's actually run as a private club and membership is only by invitation. The money invested is traded primarily in forex. From what I do know, they trade in stocks and precious metals as well.

It is also well received and respected by the online community. I love to sing their praises but it would be better if you visited the forums and read up on them. I'm sure you'd be pleasently surprised at what you'd find.

MPDW accepts e-gold and e-bullion. The minimum entry is 5.25 grams of gold which includes a 5% administrative fee. Purchases via e-gold is automatic, while purchases via e-bullion are done manually. Purchases must be done before midnight on Saturdays PST (Pacific Standard Time), to be entered for trade the following week.

Since I joined in Aug, the returns per week have been around 3-5% a week. This works out to about 12-15% a month, which is healthy returns. Since all transactions are done in gold, the real returns fluctuate along with the gold prices. When I joined in Aug, the price per gram of gold was around $14.50 per gram, and right now it's at $18. That's an increase of $3.50 per unit of gold I have in the program, on top of the weekly returns I gain. As long as gold prices continue to increase, I'd be increasing the value of my investment in 2 ways.

Since this program is only available by invitation, you can sign up using my link. What you will see is a terms page. Check the box and click on the 'I agree' button. On the left side of navigation sidebar, there would be an option to apply for membership. Cut and paste the application form there and mail it to the email provided. You will then receive further instructions to proceed.

In ending, I'll quote Kim aka DreamDrifter, the spokesperson for this program,
Best of Returns.

StormPay Screws the Entire Autosurf Industry

Wow....double wow. This came outta the blue!

Policy Update
31-Jan-2006 14:40
Due to high volumes of fraudulent transactions made to merchants with commission based business models, StormPay can no longer process payments for those type of merchants who choose to accept more than one payment processing solution.

Using more than one payment processor is exactly the situation that “fraud” seeks out. This enables the fraudulent user to set up a fake profile with either of the processors, make a purchase or join the program, and then withdraw their earnings to the other processor where the real identity is used. This sort of activity makes it nearly impossible for either processor, or law enforcement to properly handle the fraud because the “trail” comes to an end. This is the cause for a great many chargebacks to those merchants which can be avoided.

As of 1/30/2006 StormPay must require Merchants with a commissioned based business model who choose to accept StormPay, to only accept StormPay. StormPay certainly does not wish to dictate how our merchants run their business, all merchants are free to choose any processing solution that best suits their needs. We understand you have choices and certainly hope that choice is the online leader – StormPay. However, if another payment solution is used, please immediately remove StormPay from the associated website as a funding option and continue to use the StormPay account funds to finish payments to those members who paid using their StormPay account.

At StormPay we truly care about our merchants’ and the overall success of their business and sales and for that reason we have implemented these very necessary changes. Thank you in advance for your understanding in this very crucial matter.

StormPay Inc.

Well done SP. It's successfully split the entire industry into 2 factions - the SP users and the non-SP users. SP is trying to monopolise the market. It means more revenue from fees, and more money via NetIBA. Autosurfs are now forced to choose between SP and the rest. Either way you look at it, everyone comes out worse from it.

If an autosurf chooses the SP way, some members will get screwed coz they are from countries that can't sign up with SP. If they choose to drop SP, they are going to lose a large chunk of members, coz SP provides chargebacks, a facility that safeguards members. Bottomline, it's a lose-lose situation for autosurfs and it's members.

What makes the situation worse is the timeline given for autosurfs to make the decision.....NONE! There is no time to consult members. SP expects an immediate response. We all know that decisions made in haste are often bad decisions. I'm going to see how this is going to play out with some of my favourite autosurfs, while keeping my fingers crossed. I hope the plan backfires and the industry collectively tells SP to go f**k themselves.

Northsea Forex Group (NSFG)

Update (28/03/06): Pooled account closes doors to new members.


Update : Pooled accounts will be closed on the 25th of March. This is a planned moved since the program was started. There is a limit to the number of accounts the adminstrators can handle and they feel that it's near their threshhold. So if you're interested in getting in, this is the time.

Managed accounts will not be affected by this new development.


It's ironic that I'm primarily an autosurfer yet the first program I'm going to post on my blog is a pooled forex fund.

Northsea Forex Group (NSFG) is probably one of the most transparent pooled funds I've ever come across. The amount of information provided by the gentlemen who run this, Paul and Kenneth, is absolutely astounding. From telephone numbers to addresses to scanned passports (yes I have seen all these particulars). In the forums where they post, there have been reports of people actually meeting them. For security purposes I'll not divulge any particulars here. These particulars are made available when you join.

NSFG runs two types of funds, the managed fund and the pooled fund. The managed fund has a minimum entry of 25000. The details can be found here.

I'll concentrate on it's pooled funds, since it's the one I can afford at the moment. Minimum entry is $100 and deposits have to be made before the 25th of the month to enter into the trading period of the following month. Additional deposits can be made at $50. The payment processors accepted here are E-gold, Ebullion and EMO

On months where there is overall profits, the administrators will take 25% of the profits as a performance fee while investors will get 75% returns. A monthly statement is sent, usually in the beginning of the month. Withdrawals must be made before the 15th of the month, and should be processed by the 25th. Any amount not withdrawn is automatically compounded.

So far the program has been averaging around 17% a month since it started Sept. I'll try to bear in mind to update this page in future months. Here's the past performance:

Sep 05 = 17.70%(Net)/23.61%(Gross)
Oct 05 = 10.49%(Net)/10.49%(Gross) No fee due to change in broker
Nov 05 = 32.01%(Net)/42.68%(Gross)
Dec 05 = 8.73%(Net)/8.73%(Gross) No fee due to Christmas
Jan 06 = 15.81%(Net)/21.08(Gross)
Feb 06 = 5.11%(Net)/5.11%(Gross) No fee due to poor performance
Mar 06 = 3.06%(Net)/ 4.08%(Gross)
Apr 06 = 0%
May 06 = -2.8%
Jun 06 = 3.63%(Net)/3.63%(Gross)
Jul 06 = 2.41%(Net)/3.21%(Gross)
Aug 06 = 3.75%(Net)/5%(Gross)
Sept 06 = 3.75%(Net)/5%(Gross)

Personally I'm very confident of this program and should be looking to enter their managed funds before 2006 is over.

As for how to join the pooled fund, send a blank email to info@ns-fg.com. You will receive an application form and a set of instructions.

Hope you'll enjoy the experience with this program as I have.



I was getting a friend to proof read, and he reminded me that a disclaimer was missing. I'm sure anyone who reads this should already know the risks involved. Since I have no idea how to write one, here's my rudimentary attempt at it.

I am only a member of the programs introduced and discussed here. I hold no responsibility to any losses whatsoever should a program fail to keep up to it's promised returns. So proceed at your own peril.