Update: Site is no longer a paid-to-surf autosurf. I don't think anyone came out of this with profits.
As far as autosurfs go, GottaLottaHits (GLH) has just jumped up to the top of my list. The owner Christian Pope (yes, that's his real name) owns, which has been online since 2002.
The site accepts e-gold, paypal, and in the near future EMO. StormPay has been dropped. Christian is one of the few owners that has the balls to drop StormPay, and I respect him immersely for that decision.
However, what makes GLH stand out is Christian's ability to keep he's members happy. He seems to understand how to make an autosurf work, and keep members updated. He is proactive, rather than reactive, which is rarely seen in the autosurf industry. Most owners tend to react when problems occur instead of nipping the problem before it occurs.
Since I joined in Oct 05, the server has hardly had any downtime. Emails to him are always replied in a prompt and polite manner. Updates are frequently found in the backoffice, and members are always kept informed of any pending changes. You can tell that plenty of effort has been put into the site and program, and not one of those fly by night programs.
It's also the program where I'm comfortable to have a 4 digit 'investment' in.
Here are the statistics of the site :
$10 signup bonus
1.25% daily
Upgrades last 180 days
10% referral commission
25 sites to earn 1.25%
Payouts on 11-15th for previous month's earnings
Compounding available on the last day of the month
Screenshots of payment
Dec 05
Jan 06
Feb 06
If you're interested to join the program, click the banner to sign up under me, or the text to sign up without an upline.
No referral
As far as autosurfs go, GottaLottaHits (GLH) has just jumped up to the top of my list. The owner Christian Pope (yes, that's his real name) owns, which has been online since 2002.
The site accepts e-gold, paypal, and in the near future EMO. StormPay has been dropped. Christian is one of the few owners that has the balls to drop StormPay, and I respect him immersely for that decision.
However, what makes GLH stand out is Christian's ability to keep he's members happy. He seems to understand how to make an autosurf work, and keep members updated. He is proactive, rather than reactive, which is rarely seen in the autosurf industry. Most owners tend to react when problems occur instead of nipping the problem before it occurs.
Since I joined in Oct 05, the server has hardly had any downtime. Emails to him are always replied in a prompt and polite manner. Updates are frequently found in the backoffice, and members are always kept informed of any pending changes. You can tell that plenty of effort has been put into the site and program, and not one of those fly by night programs.
It's also the program where I'm comfortable to have a 4 digit 'investment' in.
Here are the statistics of the site :
$10 signup bonus
1.25% daily
Upgrades last 180 days
10% referral commission
25 sites to earn 1.25%
Payouts on 11-15th for previous month's earnings
Compounding available on the last day of the month
Screenshots of payment
Dec 05
Jan 06
Feb 06
If you're interested to join the program, click the banner to sign up under me, or the text to sign up without an upline.
No referral

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