Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Market Professionals Deliver Weekly (MPDW)

Update (16/03/06): Quite a few important changes have been made to the system with immediate effect.

1. All funds have a 6 month holding period before it can be sold back. Maturity period can be checked via the backoffice.

2. Minimum entry is now 20 units.

3. No more emergency sell back.

4. Minimum withdrawal of returns is lowered to 3 units.


Market Professionals Deliver Weekly, or MPDW, is another pretty much trusted (by me) online fund. It's actually run as a private club and membership is only by invitation. The money invested is traded primarily in forex. From what I do know, they trade in stocks and precious metals as well.

It is also well received and respected by the online community. I love to sing their praises but it would be better if you visited the forums and read up on them. I'm sure you'd be pleasently surprised at what you'd find.

MPDW accepts e-gold and e-bullion. The minimum entry is 5.25 grams of gold which includes a 5% administrative fee. Purchases via e-gold is automatic, while purchases via e-bullion are done manually. Purchases must be done before midnight on Saturdays PST (Pacific Standard Time), to be entered for trade the following week.

Since I joined in Aug, the returns per week have been around 3-5% a week. This works out to about 12-15% a month, which is healthy returns. Since all transactions are done in gold, the real returns fluctuate along with the gold prices. When I joined in Aug, the price per gram of gold was around $14.50 per gram, and right now it's at $18. That's an increase of $3.50 per unit of gold I have in the program, on top of the weekly returns I gain. As long as gold prices continue to increase, I'd be increasing the value of my investment in 2 ways.

Since this program is only available by invitation, you can sign up using my link. What you will see is a terms page. Check the box and click on the 'I agree' button. On the left side of navigation sidebar, there would be an option to apply for membership. Cut and paste the application form there and mail it to the email provided. You will then receive further instructions to proceed.

In ending, I'll quote Kim aka DreamDrifter, the spokesperson for this program,
Best of Returns.


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