Thursday, August 31, 2006

E-gold Drama

Update : Wow, just as soon as I typed this entry, my e-gold account went down to half again. Talk about jinxing it. With this rollercoaster ride, the rest of today should be interesting to say the least.

For about half an hour, e-gold turned on its head, with the price of gold dropping down to around $319/oz from $619/oz, effectively halving everyone's e-gold account. Of course as with all things related to e-gold, the glitches were fixed.

Unfortunately in this half hour span, spends and payments were still made. Judging from e-gold's past, these would probably stand. So anyone receiving money during the period of the glitch stood to gain twice the amount they were supposed to receive and anyone making spends, well..... got the short straw. Whether or not e-gold does anything about it remains to be seen.

What's more important is that normal operations are restored. Thankfully this glitch only lasted about 30 mins, and possibly only minimal damage done. Let's hope it doesn't reoccur again.


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