Friday, July 20, 2007

July Update - Singapore-based E-gold Exchangers

I know I've been dragging my feet in mud updating this blog. The reason being that there's nothing really noteworthy to write about.

However, after reading the latest entry in Digital Money World on the e-gold exchangers still in business, I feel that it's time for another update on the local scene. I've not gotten much feedback in the recent months so I'm not entirely sure if some of the exchangers are even alive anymore. Much of it is probably due to the fact that most of the local readers of this blog have already moved away from Hyips and Autosurfs, hence have little or no use for e-gold anymore.

Anyway here are the 'updates', as well as a new exchanger that recently emerged.

Entelnova - Possibly the oldest in Singapore and still working.

Snapgold - Probably has the best rates in the market for Singaporeans. Definitely still exchanging.

Wyngold - Still around.

JR Exchange - Probably still working. No recent feedback.

SG Exchanger - Probably still working. No feedback.

Active Gold - Very new, a few days old. No feedback.


Sunday, July 01, 2007

June 07 Results

Well, there hasn't been much to say lately. With the whole e-gold issue going nowhere fast, the entire industry is coming to a standstill. If you're looking to outexchange e-gold, right now might be a good time to do so as the rates have gone up slightly with the local exchangers.

Hyip scams are still running rampant but no one's really putting in much money. The pool dries up pretty fast when it reaches 5 figures.. I suspect quite a few of the perceived larger ones are putting up false statistics. I can't believe that the industry players as a whole are collectively stupid enough to put in 6 digits, then again, never underestimate human stupidity.

Autosurfs have practically hit the ground. In the autosurf folder of the whore capital of the world, MMG, new topics in the autosurf folder have fallen dramatically. The topics as well as the players have all fallen. Surfs do well to rack in 5 digits and 200 members. I'm glad I've left this particular part of the industry since my last article on it : Death of Autosurfs. Every once in a while patting myself on the shoulder does wonders to my ego. Just wish it'd do the same to my e-gold.

The entire climate is in such doldrums that even the pathetic leeches known as monitors are finding it hard to carry on. Visit Talkgold and MMG and read their hyip/autosurf program folders and you'd think that monitors are the only people left playing this game. Afterall they seem like the only ones posting. The sooner these leeches die off, the better it is for everyone involved.

And for the results this past month:

Infinity Shares
Well, the results haven't been spectacular, but it's still a small profit of 1.19%. The good news is that they have reopened e-gold deposits. Not too sure how that translates to real value going to their brokers since most reputable exchangers are still charging an arm and a leg to outexchange it to usable currency in the real world.

The other thing is that weekly updates seems to have grinded to a stop and I've only received a monthly one, not that it matters really. Just to inform anyone who is actually looking to join this one. For more updated information, their trader's blog is still the place to visit.

The Jekyll and Hyde behavoir continues with this venture. Apparently they raked in 16% profit this month. While gains are always good, it doesn't mean that these jokers know what they are doing. Given their performances this year, chances are they will lose it all this month. Such is the nature of the beast, unfortunately the people at the helm haven't shown the slightest that they can tame this beast. So look out for a wild swing going the other way for July!

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