Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Not Dead Yet

It's been awhile since I last blogged. To say the least, I've been busy with offline stuff. Just to shed abit of light to the Singaporeans reading this, someone offered me half a mil for my HDB apartment. I never had the intention of selling but the offer's so crazy I had to take a serious look at it and do my sums. So while doing this, I made a disciplined effort to take some time off this blog, although I had plenty of comments to make over various anal issues.

As for my apartment, chances are I'd still hold on to it, afterall the bulk of the money would be spent on another one since I do need a roof over my head. Secondly, my area is in for major developments in the next 3 years. On top of that, I prefer to go the rental route should I eventually move out.

Looks like we pool members have been treated like dirt again. No updates, no news, no statements. I had to get this from a managed account user. Read and weep. These guys are either plagued with insane bad luck or the most incompetent bunch of imbeciles I've ever seen. I've personally worked with traders and none have even come close to the level of catastrophes these guys have met, time and time again. Just when I thought they turned the corner too! I'm beginning to feel I'm never going to see the light at the end of the tunnel here, let alone get out of this one unscathed.

Pay Processors
Niche market is all I'm going to say here. Too many have been riding on e-gold's coat-tails. The true standouts are those which have found their niche market. Just to give a hint of what I'm talking about:

Paypal - E-bay
NetTeller - Gambling
Moneybookers - Gambling
E-gold - Hyips, AS (or anything looking like a scam to begin with)

So basically a pay processor needs to differentiate itself with a niche market. Acting as e-gold's bitch bascially means you're just an e-gold exchanger. Nothing more, nothing less.

Referral Whores
My favourite whipping boys. I hate these bunch, I really do. Much has been made about them in the not too distant past. The unfortunate thing here is those makng the complaints really ought to take a step back and look in the mirror. You know what they say about people living in glass houses. Enuff said!


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