Saturday, March 03, 2007

DesertSky Marketing Closes It's Doors

Looks like Dustin has decided enough was enough and decided to close the doors on DSM yet again. The signs were not looking good in the past week. Daily returns fell swiftly, outdoing the mini downturn in the equity markets.

Personally I think this was a good move. People were not ready for the product and played it like they would any other normal program. Until mentality changes, the only way to play the game is to get your principle out asap and play with profits. Moreover the product looked like a semi-ponzi at best and cash would eventually run out. At least with DSM, no one loses. There would be refunds to anyone not in profit.

And as usual, the forums were filled with complaints as the vultures circled the dying program, hoping to put their 2 cents worth, enhancing their own reputations. Fact of the matter is people who play 'guru', should've known the nature of the beast. Since they have proven themselves unable to overcome the beast, they really shouldn't be playing the 'guru' role. You know the saying, people living in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones.

As for me, I'm glad I didn't join the program. By the time I decided it was time to get back into surf programs, I felt this one had already peaked. That said, I did join other similar programs in their infancy. What remains to be seem is if the fallout from this one will adversely affect the others. Only time will tell.


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