Friday, December 29, 2006

Internet Disruptions

Major earthquake in Taiwan caused chaos to my internet connection for the past 3 days. The undersea cables were severely hit resulting in absolutely no access to any website not from Singapore, despite the new reports. I had no access to my ISP mails, nor the web-based ones (ie Yahoo, Google).

Thankfully I didn't have any autosurfs running, nor did I have any money in any short-term hyips. So other than being terribly bored at home due to the heavy rains that have been pounding the island nation, there was not much damage done.

I suppose the entire exercise shows how reliant we are on the few cables from Taiwan. Once they went down, there was major disruption to phone lines and internet connections. Isn't redundency one of the first things you learn in Networking 101? I suppose the major telecommunication companies are so determined to suck us dry that a contingency plan to have alternative routes is too rich for them. I hope this is a wake up call, speaking of which, Singtel sucks donkey balls anyway.


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